The Baikie–Wood Consultancy Ltd

Consultancy Services

In addition to developing training programmes, we are able to help you with additional consultancy support. Areas of expertise include:

Identification of Development Needs

We can work with you to identify employee development needs on an individual, departmental or organisation-wide basis.

Development of Competency Frameworks

More and more organisations are realising the benefits of developing a competency framework. We can work with you to design, develop and implement your own.

360° Feedback

Services Include the initial questionnaire design, analysis of feedback and 1:1 sessions with employees where the results of the survey are fed back, and an action plan drawn up.

Course Design

On your behalf we can develop complete programmes or individual modules for you to use in your workplace. These can be written to your own ‘house style’, or we can develop a layout based on your own requirements.

This service can include ‘training the trainer’ where we work with you to develop the materials and then develop chosen staff to present the course internally.

Past commissions include a series of Management Development programmes for Business Link; a Chairing and Minuting Meetings programme for HM Treasury, and a Recruitment package for Comet stores.

Guides and Manuals

In conjunction with a professional author, we can assist you with the writing and publication of employee handbooks, communication guides, recruitment and selection guidebooks.

Trainer Support

For support in the development of specific courses, or for assistance whilst you are learning a new topic. This can include working on the content with you and co-tutoring as you are developing skills, knowledge and confidence.

Training Materials

We have a wealth of training materials on file including many icebreakers, exercises and activities.

Team Building and Team Development

Facilitation for team development processes – from crisis intervention in teams that are experiencing problems such as high conflict, through to “away days” and review-based events.

1:1 Performance Coaching Sessions/Small Group Sessions

This can be useful for the times when you have an individual with specific needs (particularly helpful when you do not have a group of people with similar requirements). This also may form part of a capability process as part of an agreed action plan for change.

Small group sessions can be useful when preparing for conferences, or when you have two or three individuals with a similar need and no other resources for meeting this need.

Facilitation of Events/Conferences

This includes facilitation of small, medium through to large conferences; management of consultation processes and setting up and running Citizen Juries.


Expertise in setting up and managing mediations – between individuals or within a team.

CV Writing/Interview Support

Working with individuals or groups who need support to develop their skills in CV writing, or preparing for an interview.

This can be carried out on a 1:1 basis or as a support package as part of an outplacement exercise.